Check THIS out. A cat with wings! Though I doubt it can fly.
Apparently the cat started growing wings after he got sexually harassed by female cats in heat. (Ooooh.) But scientists say it's a gene mutation. In any case, I'll love to have my cat grow wings. If I have a cat, for that matter. Can you imagine if a pig grows wings? XDDD Pigs can fly!
There are other weird facts happening around the world too, but I'll save that for another time.
Today after I finished my SPA, I just sat there swirling the chemical in the test tube and staring at it. It looked so pretty, a sky-blue, sandy sediment at the bottom and colourless liquid at the top. I tilted it and watched the sky-sand swirl and settle dreamily at the bottom. It reminded me of the ocean sand, so slippery beneath my feet as I dug into it to keep my balance. So beautiful, a work of Nature is. A world in a test tube. Two worlds in a test tube, for that matter, a transperant, pure world where light can shine through anything and everything, and a blue, semi-opaque world where everything flows smoothly and liquid-like, where everything is so dreamy. These two worlds never meet, they are as different as sky and earth, as fire and water, but together they just look so awesome. I got so caught up in the test tube I narrowly missed spilling it on my worksheet. :/
The little things that you can remember, that you want people to remember;
When they don't
It stings.